Welcome to the home of the Starless Sea fandom!


So you read The Starless Sea. Three years ago, or once every six months, or you just finished it in the last five minutes and found this URL in the back of your copy because someone at your local library or bookstore is a Painter of Doors. Welcome!!!! Our fandom is small but strong and is only getting stronger with each person who joins. So take a look around! On this website I'm working to compile some of the best fanfiction and fanart we've produced and continue to produce in this fandom, for your enjoyment. And if you're looking for a community where you can talk about The Starless Sea and its world and characters, join the above Discord!!! We are active and a large but not intimidating community that you will totally love.

Then you can replace all of the text with your own. For more customization, the CSS code has comments to explain what each part changes. Please read through the code - even if you have no idea what it means.

If you're feeling up for a challenge, I put together a guide which goes over the structure of how this layout is built, along with some specific tips on how to edit it in certain ways.

Check the links in the sidebar for more resources to build your own website!

- Cat Ipsum -

Rub my belly hiss swipe at owner's legs sniff catnip and act crazy growl at dogs in my sleep sit on the laptop for hiss at vacuum cleaner i like to spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me.

Head nudges eat my own ears. Hey! you there, with the hands why can't i catch that stupid red dot, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff, or roll over and sun my belly curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels.